Sustainability Makers

Sustainability Makers supports its members on all issues related to sustainability with specific trainings (to name just some of the topics of priority interest: climate change, 报告, impact measurement, circular economy, stakeholder engagement, integration of sustainability in strategy, 治理, human resources, 采购, risk management, 沟通, 监管, international initiatives, 等.). Since 2014, SM has been managing a sustainability 治理 observatory.

Activities organized by Sustainability Makers each year to serve its members include:

  • A closed-door workshop: 4-5 meetings on priority topics of interest identified by members. This is the highlight of the association, with a high level of active participation from all members, and provides a valuable opportunity for dialogue and professional development;
  • 研究: investigating the most relevant issues of sustainability policies in 意大利 and worldwide;
  • Conferences, research and other public events involving Italian and foreign experts;
  • Webinars, online seminars on in-depth technical topics;
  • 出版物: publications for the general public (reports, CD Rom, articles, 等.) and scientific articles in international journals;
  • 工作组 on sustainability issues;
  • Contributions to the debate: comments, position papers, and papers on topics relevant to businesses and society;
  • A website with a Members-only section, including a space dedicated to "Jobs wanted/offered in the context of CSR", research reports area, 等;
  • Member-to-Member services: promoting the exchange of inquiries, 建议, 的想法, peer reviews of draft/final sustainability reports, 等;
  • 教育: In partnership with ALTIS-Catholic University, the Network offers an annual course which is the reference point in 意大利 for sustainability managers. 除了, the Network works with initiatives promoted by other training providers on the same themes;
  • Conventions on sustainability-related services such as magazine subscriptions, 付费的网站, certification services, social and environmental training courses.

Managing Director
Stefania Bertolini

Maria Luisa Parmigiani


社交媒体: 推特 (@SustMakers), LinkedInYouTube

联系人: Stefania Bertolini, Managing Director

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